Background: As the Media Agency of Record for a government client, Marketing Doctor executes an omni-channel $4M Economic Development Campaign. We collaborate with key stakeholders and partners to position the Client as a strategic, supportive location for business expansion and relocation, particularly in the life sciences, autonomous technology, and food innovation fields.
Approach: Introducing the Client as an advertiser across several new major markets required a custom media strategy. The strategy focused on generating awareness within a key business audience, with a particular focus on the Client’s three target industries. As part of the planning process, our media planning team:

- Conducted in-depth research and analysis of priority markets and audiences
- Developed an omni-channel approach reflective of accumulated audience/market data
- Negotiated overdelivery on bonus value across traditional media platforms, such as Out-of-Home, TV, and Print
- Worked with the client to establish an attribution model that best suited their needs, applying a multi-touch approach and ensuring that all user data was properly captured
Solution: The solution goes beyond implementing an omni-channel media plan. Through our initial set up of a multi-touch measurement approach, we analyzed campaign results as they came in. We then leveraged that data into an even more compelling strategy for the following fiscal year.
Data insights played a primary role in evolving media strategy. For example, we initially planned to run awareness ads on YouTube for a finite period before shifting focus to other digital platforms. However, when data showed that YouTube had strong engagement rates and was driving traffic to the landing page, we recommended an extension.
With attentive tracking and media measurement tools, we also recognized that incoming leads skyrocketed during the months we ran programmatic advertising. Attributing these results to this campaign tactic, we shifted our plan to focus on an ongoing programmatic advertising.
Results: Leads increased by 1,100% from programmatic advertising as demonstrated in the graph below. The campaigns recorded millions of impressions to a niche, targeted audience gaining endless data and creating mass awareness.
Digital value adds include (but are not limited to):
- Streaming platform beta test
- Brand lift study bonus
- Training from partners at Google
What did overdelivery on bonus value translate into dollar wise? The Client received over $13M in added value on traditional media alone, therefore more than tripling the budget.