Linear vs. Streaming TV Advertising

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It’s no secret that TV advertising has evolved from its traditional formats, now including streaming services and Connected TV (CTV). Depending on goals, target audiences, and other campaign factors, media teams assess the best tactics for distributing TV ads across far more inventory types. As technology continues to reshape the way audiences consume content, it’s crucial to understand the opportunities and differences between linear TV and streaming TV advertising. 

The Power of Linear TV for Paid Media

Despite the growth of streaming platforms, linear TV still holds significant value in media plans. It remains a dominant force in terms of reach and scale, allowing brands to connect with a wide audience during prime time slots—approximately 56% of American adults have cable/satellite TV subscriptions.

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In fact, approximately 80% of consumers still perceive ads on linear TV as more credible and trustworthy compared to their digital counterparts. Don’t underestimate the impact of traditional television advertising, especially during highly anticipated events like sports championships or live award shows.

Prime Time Advertising

Prime time slots on linear TV continue to attract large audiences, making them an enticing opportunity for advertisers seeking maximum exposure. By strategically placing ads during popular shows when viewership peaks, media teams capture consumer attention and generate brand awareness. The allure of prime time advertising lies in its ability to reach a diverse range of demographics simultaneously.

Sports as a Driving Factor

Sports programming plays a pivotal role in maintaining the relevance and appeal of linear TV among advertisers. Major sporting events draw massive viewership numbers. In January 2023,  sports viewing on cable increased by 22%, and continued through August with NFL preseason football and the first presidential debate. These two events increased viewing across cable, with sports and news accounting for 6.7% and 20.8% of viewing in August, respectively. As cable news continues to polarize American consumers (57% of Americans believe mainstream media prioritizes profit over telling the truth), sports programming remains a popular method to connect with viewers. 

Embracing Connected TV (CTV) Advertising

While linear TV offers undeniable advantages, paid media teams often recommend CTV as part of a strategic media mix.

Targeted CTV

One of the key benefits of CTV is its ability to deliver highly targeted ads to specific audiences. Linear TV relies on broad demographic data while CTV allows advertisers to leverage user data and advanced targeting capabilities. By harnessing this granular information, media planners tailor ad campaigns based on factors such as location, interests, and viewing habits, ensuring the message reaches the right people at the right time.

Addressable TV

Addressable TV takes targeted advertising a step further, delivering personalized ads to individual households. Through partnerships with data providers and technology platforms, media agencies serve customized ads based on consumer preferences and behaviors. This level of personalization enhances engagement and increases the likelihood of driving conversions.

What about Media and Attribution?

While unified measurement solutions are pending for streaming TV, traditional media attribution is possible. Paid media teams can pinpoint when consumers convert as a direct result of TV ads, often leveraging cross-screen measurement to gain a comprehensive look at campaign performance. No matter the channel, media analysts use data and insights from linear TV and streaming TV ads to optimize advertising budgets.

The Importance of Balance in Paid Media

In the ongoing debate between linear TV and streaming TV, it’s crucial for advertisers to strike a balance that aligns with their marketing objectives. While streaming services offer innovative targeting options and provide valuable insights into viewer behavior, traditional linear TV maintains strength in the market as well. Media teams use the latter to connect with millions of viewers simultaneously, making it ideal for generating widespread brand awareness. 

FAST (Free Ad-Supported Streaming Television) platforms offer a hybrid solution that combines the best elements of linear TV and streaming services. Through these platforms, media teams and advertisers tap into the growing popularity of streaming while still benefiting from the reach of linear TV.

Need help making paid media choices to boost awareness or conversions? Reach out to us or subscribe to our newsletter for the latest on emerging TV advertising trends. 

It’s no secret that TV advertising has evolved from its traditional formats, now including streaming services and Connected TV (CTV). Depending on goals, target audiences, and other campaign factors, media teams assess the best tactics for distributing TV ads across far more inventory types. As technology continues to reshape the way audiences consume content, it’s crucial to understand the opportunities and differences between linear TV and streaming TV advertising. 

The Power of Linear TV for Paid Media

Despite the growth of streaming platforms, linear TV still holds significant value in media plans. It remains a dominant force in terms of reach and scale, allowing brands to connect with a wide audience during prime time slots—approximately 56% of American adults have cable/satellite TV subscriptions.

In fact, approximately 80% of consumers still perceive ads on linear TV as more credible and trustworthy compared to their digital counterparts. Don’t underestimate the impact of traditional television advertising, especially during highly anticipated events like sports championships or live award shows.

Prime Time Advertising

Prime time slots on linear TV continue to attract large audiences, making them an enticing opportunity for advertisers seeking maximum exposure. By strategically placing ads during popular shows when viewership peaks, media teams capture consumer attention and generate brand awareness. The allure of prime time advertising lies in its ability to reach a diverse range of demographics simultaneously.

Sports as a Driving Factor

Sports programming plays a pivotal role in maintaining the relevance and appeal of linear TV among advertisers. Major sporting events draw massive viewership numbers. In January 2023,  sports viewing on cable increased by 22%, and continued through August with NFL preseason football and the first presidential debate. These two events increased viewing across cable, with sports and news accounting for 6.7% and 20.8% of viewing in August, respectively. As cable news continues to polarize American consumers (57% of Americans believe mainstream media prioritizes profit over telling the truth), sports programming remains a popular method to connect with viewers. 

Embracing Connected TV (CTV) Advertising

While linear TV offers undeniable advantages, paid media teams often recommend CTV as part of a strategic media mix.

Targeted CTV

One of the key benefits of CTV is its ability to deliver highly targeted ads to specific audiences. Linear TV relies on broad demographic data while CTV allows advertisers to leverage user data and advanced targeting capabilities. By harnessing this granular information, media planners tailor ad campaigns based on factors such as location, interests, and viewing habits, ensuring the message reaches the right people at the right time.

Addressable TV

Addressable TV takes targeted advertising a step further, delivering personalized ads to individual households. Through partnerships with data providers and technology platforms, media agencies serve customized ads based on consumer preferences and behaviors. This level of personalization enhances engagement and increases the likelihood of driving conversions.

What about Media and Attribution?

While unified measurement solutions are pending for streaming TV, traditional media attribution is possible. Paid media teams can pinpoint when consumers convert as a direct result of TV ads, often leveraging cross-screen measurement to gain a comprehensive look at campaign performance. No matter the channel, media analysts use data and insights from linear TV and streaming TV ads to optimize advertising budgets.

The Importance of Balance in Paid Media

In the ongoing debate between linear TV and streaming TV, it’s crucial for advertisers to strike a balance that aligns with their marketing objectives. While streaming services offer innovative targeting options and provide valuable insights into viewer behavior, traditional linear TV maintains strength in the market as well. Media teams use the latter to connect with millions of viewers simultaneously, making it ideal for generating widespread brand awareness. 

FAST (Free Ad-Supported Streaming Television) platforms offer a hybrid solution that combines the best elements of linear TV and streaming services. Through these platforms, media teams and advertisers tap into the growing popularity of streaming while still benefiting from the reach of linear TV.

Need help making paid media choices to boost awareness or conversions? Reach out to us or subscribe to our newsletter for the latest on emerging TV advertising trends. 

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