Elevate Retail Sales with Customer-Centric Paid Media: A Millennial Mom Snapshot

Elevate Retail Sales with Customer-Centric Paid Media

Successful media buys transcend the ‘one-size-fits-all’ mentality and custom fit the customer journeys unique to your target audiences. From the first point of interaction to final purchase, each paid media touchpoint offers an opportunity to engage customers with the right message, at the right time. 

All-Season Media Buying

With sales a core KPI in all retail campaigns, it’s crucial your paid media agency gets in the mind of your consumers, at all points in the year:

  • What are their purchasing attitudes? 
  • Who are they buying a product or service for? 
  • What motivates them? And does this change throughout the year?
  • What media channels do they prefer or use the most often? And when?
  • What or who influences their purchasing decisions? 
Elevate Retail Sales with Customer-Centric Paid Media

Paid media teams often use industry-leading audience research tools to explore those questions. Features include:

  • Panel research for consumer behaviors across top DMAs
  • Data to reveal how and why audiences are making decisions
  • Industry trends in media consumption habits

From there, your media execution partner should enlist tactics like: 

Let’s look at an example:

Millennial Moms: Digital Media Consumers with a Focus on Deals

The largest US generation by size, millennials wield significant spending power. They exhibit distinct paid media consumption preferences compared to other generational groups. 

In particular, millennial moms place greater emphasis on balancing quality vs. price, searching for the best deals and new offers when making a purchase. This audience also has an affinity for using social media to explore recommendations and research, citing Facebook and Instagram as favorite brand discovery channels. Given their social media use, your media agency may recommend Meta ad placements across Facebook and Instagram to capture greater interest than TV and radio, for example. 

Catering to mobile-friendly marketing also allows brands to adapt to these parents’ on-the-go lifestyles. Brands promoting premium products (or even slightly more expensive products) will need to collaborate with their advertising partners to prove the quality is worth the price tag to this group. 

Understand Each Target Audience to Guide Your Media Strategy

For all campaigns, Marketing Doctor deeply researches all target audiences (one of our favorite parts of the job!) to ensure our strategies and placements are tailored to today’s customer journeys and needs–ultimately boosting your sales.

Are you seeking a data-driven media partner? Look no further! Contact us today.

Successful media buys transcend the ‘one-size-fits-all’ mentality and custom fit the customer journeys unique to your target audiences. From the first point of interaction to final purchase, each paid media touchpoint offers an opportunity to engage customers with the right message, at the right time. 

All-Season Media Buying

With sales a core KPI in all retail campaigns, it’s crucial your paid media agency gets in the mind of your consumers, at all points in the year:

  • What are their purchasing attitudes? 
  • Who are they buying a product or service for? 
  • What motivates them? And does this change throughout the year?
  • What media channels do they prefer or use the most often? And when?
  • What or who influences their purchasing decisions? 

Paid media teams often use industry-leading audience research tools to explore those questions. Features include:

  • Panel research for consumer behaviors across top DMAs
  • Data to reveal how and why audiences are making decisions
  • Industry trends in media consumption habits

From there, your media execution partner should enlist tactics like: 

Let’s look at an example:

Millennial Moms: Digital Media Consumers with a Focus on Deals

The largest US generation by size, millennials wield significant spending power. They exhibit distinct paid media consumption preferences compared to other generational groups. 

In particular, millennial moms place greater emphasis on balancing quality vs. price, searching for the best deals and new offers when making a purchase. This audience also has an affinity for using social media to explore recommendations and research, citing Facebook and Instagram as favorite brand discovery channels. Given their social media use, your media agency may recommend Meta ad placements across Facebook and Instagram to capture greater interest than TV and radio, for example. 

Catering to mobile-friendly marketing also allows brands to adapt to these parents’ on-the-go lifestyles. Brands promoting premium products (or even slightly more expensive products) will need to collaborate with their advertising partners to prove the quality is worth the price tag to this group. 

Understand Each Target Audience to Guide Your Media Strategy

For all campaigns, Marketing Doctor deeply researches all target audiences (one of our favorite parts of the job!) to ensure our strategies and placements are tailored to today’s customer journeys and needs–ultimately boosting your sales.

Are you seeking a data-driven media partner? Look no further! Contact us today.

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