Case Study: $25-$30M Multi-State Surgery Practice Self Test Campaign

Background: While planning to open new practice locations in the tri-state area, the surgery practice intended to boost brand recognition and confirm patient leads were medically qualified for their surgical and non-surgical bariatric procedures.

Approach: Research shows many potential patients have comorbidities, such as high blood pressure, joint pain, diabetes, sleep apnea, and depression. In order to increase engagement and generate medically-qualified leads, Marketing Doctor developed an interactive campaign where individuals could determine if they qualify for weight-loss surgery.

Solution: Marketing Doctor created a custom self test allowing patients to self-report relevant medical conditions and opt in to future communications. We placed static ads and video ads across digital and social platforms posing the question: “Do you qualify for a weight-loss procedure?” We also designed an e-blast encouraging individuals to take the free, easy quiz. This fueled our data tracking and retargeting efforts.

Results: The client’s eblast click-through-rate (CTR) was already well above benchmark prior to this campaign: 15.02% compared to 1.2% (industry benchmark). The self test eblast achieved an even more powerful CTR of 19.50%. Using this invaluable target market data, our digital team segmented recipients based on the self-identified comorbidities and sent these users to custom landing pages.

Marketing Doctor’s reporting consistently demonstrates a direct correlation between ad flights and scheduled appointments. 

Click Rate 280% above benchmark

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